Homemade Instant Oatmeal

Homemade Instant Oatmeal

A favorite toddler breakfast around here is the instant flavored oatmeal packets, be it the ease that it grips a spoon for a wobbly toddler hand or the sugary goodness that's hidden inside, it's become a go-to breakfast staple to throw fruit into and serve while Mom can sip on some caffeine and wake up! Making your own...

Pepperoni Lasagna

Pepperoni Lasagna

My whole family is a mix of different types of picky eaters, which makes meal-time such a struggle. I don't do ground meat (it's a texture thing), my husband doesn't like many veggies, and then toddlers are... toddlers. Ha! But this recipe was such a hit, I had to share it.

Easy Edible Cookie Dough

Easy Edible Cookie Dough

I stumbled upon this recipe off of Pinterest originally from theskinnyfork.com, bookmarked it about a year ago, and have perfected and adapted it to my liking for the perfect sweet-tooth craving. It is so easy and delicious, I have to share it. Edible Cookie Dough (Do not bake this!) Ingredients: 2 tbsp softened butter 3 [...]